
Ford Celebrity Rally


NARA is currently developing a rally for celebrity drivers with the Ford Motor Company and Universal Studios, Hollywood. This rally will only run all of the NARA International Rally and will feature national and local celebrities driving professionally prepared rally cars. This rally will focus on the spectator and super stages of the event. The Ford Celebrity Rally alone will draw huge crowds.

Some of the people who have indicated interest include some of the top sponsor executives, actors, sports figures, and some international race drivers. Organizers expect this event to have 20 Ford Focus RS 4wd rally cars. NARA will be responsible for having the vehicles prepared, setting up service, and providing co-drivers for these cars.

NARA will provide experienced rally navigators (co-drivers) for each car. In addition NARA will have an international rally driver and co-driver train the celebrity drivers the week before the rally. As part of this training, NARA will organize a practice rally (for the celebrity drivers only). NARA will acquire a local television station to cover this event. Parts of this footage will be provided to national television networks and international filming crews for their coverage. This footage will be broadcast in the Seattle/Tacoma market  prior to the real rally. In addition an edited version of this coverage will be posted and multicast on the web site.

Additional activities for the Ford Celebrity Rally will be developed to provide the maximum amount of publicity and exposure for the event. This will include interviews with celebrities on all types of media, special events to promote the event, promotions with the Seattle Mariners, and rides with some of the celebrities on Media Day prior to the rallies. 

At the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, the Celebrity Toyota Race is the most popular race of the weekend, organizers expect the crowds will want to see the celebrities, but then be "wowed" by the real rally. This event will provide additional exposure for the rally sponsors and their products.

The Following Co-drivers have confirmed their participation in the 1999 Celebrity Rally:

Allan Kintigh Brooklyn Park, MN allan@kintigh.com US 14 years Pro Rally Co-dr
Andrew Wos Andes, NY rallyman@aol.com US 1980s-99 experienced 
Ben Bradley Portland, OR bradley@reed.edu US Very
Bill Jones San Jose, CA jonesi@jps.net US Very
Bill Washburn ?? Baloo917@netscape.net US Nat & International experience
Sue Foster Scottland sfoster@bjservices.com UK Very Wrc class co-driver
David Weiman Houston, TX rallydave@pdq.net US Very
Chris Erney Sterling, VA chris@surety.com US 8 years Pro-Rally
Chuck Cox Cambridge, MA chuck@synchro.com US 10 years, TSD, Ice racing
Diane Houseal Trenton, NJ houseal@ebtec.com US 20 years experience
Tom Grimshaw   grimbo69@sunline.net US Tons - WRC type
J.B. Niday Richfield, MN jbniday@mkteng.net US 1981-99 competitor
Jeff Secor Hudsonville, MI secorjb@iserv.net US 11 years experience
Joe Andreini Grosse Poine Park MI jandreini@home.com US Very
Keith Kreisler Clifton Park, NY Keith_D_Kreisler@fleet.com US 10years
Ken Eklund San Jose, CA writerguy@writerguy.com US 1983-99
Phillip Barnes Cortland NY peb3@cornell.edu US 1980-99 exp co-driver
Robert Vinet Fredericton, NB Canada rally@canada.com CA Monte!!!!
Douglas Dill Minnespolis, MN DougD@edsonline.com US 19 years organizer
Tim Winker Duluth MN saabclub@cp.duluth.mn.us US Experience
Brad Odegard Frindley, MN fsogate@skypoint.com US TSD Co-driver, experienced 




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For problems or questions regarding this web contact narally99@msn.com.
Last updated: August 20, 1999.